Converting Your GPA with GPA Scale

On the GPA scale, a 4.0 GPA reflects an A average across all your classes, while a 3.0 GPA indicates a B average, and a 2.0 GPA signifies a C average, and so on.
Converting Your GPA with GPA Scale

Your grade point average (GPA) is a key standard to assess your academic performance. Many high schools and colleges use a standard, unweighted 4.0 scale to report GPAs. 

On a standard 4.0 scale, "4.0" corresponds to an "A" or "A+," while "0.0" represents an "F." Understanding how your course grades impact your overall GPA enables you to track your academic development over time. 

What is the GPA scale? 

The GPA scale is a standardized system used by schools, colleges, or educational institutions to measure a student's performance on their academic path. It assigns numerical values to grades received in courses, which are then used to calculate a student's overall GPA.  

In the U.S., the GPA scale typically ranges from 0.0 to 4.0, with 4.0 being the highest achievable GPA and 0.0 being the lowest grade. However, some institutions may use different scales, such as a 5.0 scale, especially for weighted or honors courses. In other countries, different GPA scales may be used, and the grading systems can vary widely. 

How to Convert GPA to 4.0 Scale 

Converting a GPA to a 4.0 scale involves recalculating the student's grades based on the 4.0 grading system commonly used in the United States.  

Here's a general method for converting a GPA to a 4.0 scale: 

  • Understand the Original Scale: Determine the scale of the original GPA. For example, if the GPA is on a 5.0 scale or a different scale, you'll need to adjust the grades accordingly. 
  • Identify the Grade Equivalents: Find out the equivalent letter grades for the original GPA scale. For example, on a 5.0 scale, an "A" might be equivalent to 5.0, a "B" to 4.0, and so on (see the conversion table below). 
  • Convert Each Grade: Convert each grade to the 4.0 scale using the identified equivalents. For instance, if an "A" is equivalent to 5.0 on the original scale, it would be equivalent to 4.0 on the 4.0 scale. 
  • Calculate the New GPA: Recalculate the GPA using the converted grades on the 4.0 scale. Add up all the converted grade points and divide by the total number of courses or credits to obtain the new GPA on the 4.0 scale. 

GPA Conversion Table 

Grade Letter 

Grade Percentage 



97 - above 

4,33 - above 


93 - 96,99 

4,00 - 4,32 


90 - 92,99 

3,67 - 3,99 


87 - 89,99 

3,33 - 3,66 


83 - 87,99 

3,00 - 3,32 


80 - 82,99 

2,67 - 2,99 


77 - 79,99 

2,33 - 2,66 


73 - 76,99 

2,00 - 2,32 


70 - 72,99 

1,67 - 1,99 


67 - 69,99 

1,33 - 1,66 


63 - 66,99 

1,00 - 1,32 


60 - 62,99 

0,67 - 0,99 


0 - 59,99 

0,00 - 0,66 

Importance of GPA Conversion 

GPA conversion is essential for facilitating academic and professional mobility. 

Applying to International Universities 

GPA conversion is crucial for students applying to universities or educational programs abroad. Many international institutions have their own GPA scales, and converting the GPA to the institution's scale is necessary for admission evaluation.  

For students with educational qualifications from different countries, GPA conversion is essential for credential evaluation. It ensures that academic qualifications are understood and recognized internationally. 

Scholarship and Financial Aid Eligibility 

Some scholarships and financial aid programs have GPA requirements based on specific GPA scales. Converting the GPA to the required scale is necessary to determine eligibility for these opportunities. 

Career Opportunities 

Certain employers, especially multinational companies or those with international operations, may request GPA conversion for candidates with educational backgrounds from different countries.  

This helps them understand the candidate's academic achievements in a familiar context. 

Tips for Accurate GPA Conversion: 

Converting your grades to GPA is simple, but there are some tips you should follow to ensure accuracy and precision: 

Understand the Grading System 

Familiarize yourself with the grading system of both the original GPA and the GPA scale you are converting to. Different grading systems may have varying interpretations of letter grades or numerical values. 

Use Official Guidelines 

Refer to official guidelines provided by educational institutions or credential evaluation services for GPA conversion. These guidelines often outline specific conversion methods and considerations. 

Consider Course Difficulty 

Take into account the difficulty level of courses when converting GPA. Some institutions may use a weighted GPA system that assigns higher values to grades earned in advanced or honors courses. 

Check for Weighted Grades 

If your GPA includes weighted grades for honors, AP, or IB courses, ensure that these are appropriately accounted for in the conversion process. Weighted grades may have a different impact on the GPA depending on the scale being used. 

Calculate Cumulative GPA 

If you're converting a cumulative GPA that includes grades from multiple semesters or years, calculate the GPA for each term separately and then compute the overall GPA. This helps ensure accuracy when combining different grading periods. 

FAQs for GPA Scale 

What is my GPA on a 4.0 scale?

To calculate your GPA on a 4.0 scale, add up the grade points for all your classes and divide by the total number of classes. For example, if you have four classes with grades of A (4.0), B (3.0), B+ (3.3), and A- (3.7), the total grade points would be 14.0. Divide 14.0 by 4 (the number of classes) to get a GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. 

How do you calculate your GPA in high school? 

To calculate your high school GPA, follow these steps: 

  • Assign grade points to each of your grades based on the scale used by your school (e.g., A = 4, B = 3, etc.). 
  • Multiply the grade points for each class by the number of credits or units for that class. 
  • Add up the total grade points for all your classes. 
  • Add up the total credits, or units, for all your classes. 
  • Divide the total grade points by the total credits or units to get your GPA. 

It's important to note that GPA conversion can vary based on the specific grading system used by the institution or country. Always refer to the guidelines provided by your institution or seek assistance from an academic advisor for accurate GPA conversion.